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WiN ARCAL is a diverse team of women working in the nuclear field in Latin America & the Caribbean, including members of the national chapters of this region.

We act as a regional hub and facilitator between national chapters and the WiN community in the region.

Our mission is to offer a safe space for inspiration, encouragement and cooperation among Latin American and Caribbean women in the nuclear sector, and to contribute to their empowerment and full performance as leaders and producers of knowledge.

Contact information

[email protected]


Verónica Garea - INVAP

Verónica graduated as a nuclear engineer from Instituto Balseiro and holds a Master's degree in Mathematics and a PhD in Engineering Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA. In 2019, she received the Mention of Honor for Scientific Valor from the Honorable Senate of the Nation. She works on public communication of nuclear technology and its role in the climate crisis and gender issues in engineering and the nuclear sector.