
WiN Europe aims to be a place of dialogue and exchange to promote nuclear and isotopic techniques, as well as nuclear energy as a source of innovation and decarbonization.
Created in 2010, WiN Europe brings together 17 chapters and promotes the diversity of nuclear professions and attract women as one of the essential sources of innovation in this time of climate change. WiN Europe aims to reflect all women working professionally in the different fields of nuclear energy and radiation applications in Europe.

Patricia Schindler - R&D Project Manager in nuclear sector
Patricia has been involved in the WiN France steering committee since 2012. She joined WiN Europe as secretary in 2015, and was appointed coordinator in 2019. Involved during 35 years in international multidisciplinary research programs around chemistry for Fast Breader Reactors or PWRs, she has used many nuclear and isotopic techniques.