
The regular members of WiN Korea are mainly women professionals working in nuclear organizations such as KHNP, KAERI, KIRAMS, KINS, KINAC, KEPCO-E&C, and etc.
The main activities of WiN Korea consist of five categories: communication with public, nuclear educational outreach activities for students, international collaboration with WiN Global, capacity building of women in nuclear and social contributions. We have associate members who support WiN Korea’s activities. WiN Korea has hosted WiN Global Conference twice in 2001 and 2010.

Sook-Kyung Lee - Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. Ltd. (KHNP)
Sook-Kyung has been working for KHNP since 1991. She joined WiN Korea in 2000, and actively participated in WiN Korea's activities. She was elected President of WiN Korea at the GA in November 2022, and she will begin her term in March 2023. During her tenure, Sook-Kyung aims to expand WiN Korea's activities, increase membership by attracting younger members, and raise connectedness of members.