10th WiN Global Annual Conference
Paris - France
~ Nuclear Energy: the new challenges to overcome in a changing world ~
27 - 28 June

The 10th WiN Global Annual conference was held on Paris an it was organized by WiN France. More than 150 participants from 27 countries attended the meeting.
About the Conference
At the conference, the speakers were leading figures of the nuclear sectors. They were invited to develop their view on various topics. Anne Lauvergeon, President of AREVA, mentioned the new situation born from the liberalisation of the energy market. She presented the organization and the orientations of AREVA, highlighting the necessity for the nuclear industry to strengthen its efforts to develop the sharing of information and to establish a real dialogue with the general public.
Nina Commeau-Yannoussis, from the Directorate-General for Energy at the European Commission stressed the main fields of action of the commission in the nuclear field: the definition of nuclear safety standards in the framework of the expansion of the European Union; Waste Management; the financing of the decommissioning; the exchange of nuclear fuel between Russia and the EU.
Jacques Bouchard, Director of Nuclear Energy for the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) presented the research under taken for the development of future reactors, mentioning particularly the EPRand the AC1000, as weil as the international programmes Generation IV and INPRO. He also commented on the efforts lead in the fuel cycle and the waste management.
Annick Carnino, Director of Nuclear Installation Safety at the IAEA presented the reflections and the actions, done at the international level under the IAEA’s authority, as part of a global approach to the safety and security issues.
Julia Schwarz, from the OECD/ NEA presented and commented on the evolution of the nuclear liability regime through the International Conventions since the beginning of the sixties.
During the second part of the meeting, under the Presidence of Martine Griffon-Fouco, communication Director at EDF, the participants were split into three working groups in order to debate on the civil society and the development of nuclear energy. Jacques de La Ferté, Agneta Rising and Patricia Bryant were the moderators. The discussions tackled: Public Opinion and Nuclear Waste; Radioactivity, Health and the Environment; Education and Training in the Nuclear Sector.
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