13th WiN Global Annual Conference
Cesky Krumlov - Czech Republic
4 - 8 April

More than 100 participants from 19 countries took the chance to exchange their ideas and know-how and strengthen their personal network amongst WiN members.
About the conference
The meeting was held in the charming and historic town in a warm and friendly atmosphere – according to the Japanese wording: heart to heart and face to face. After the General Assembly of WiN global and the presentation of the country reports on the 1st day. The 2nd day was filled with interesting lectures about “Nuclear safety in the international context”, Radioactive Waste Management”, “Challenges of the World Power Needs in the 21st Century”. Topics like “Radiological Protection, Health and Environment” were as well discussed as communication issues like “How to build the image of a nuclear power plant” etc. An overview of the Status of Olkiluoto 3 as well as Decommissioning trends were presented.
Technical tours
In this ocassion, conference participants were offered an technical tour to:
- Temelin NPP
- LLW Repository Richard
- Radon Healh Spa Jachymov