21th WiN Global Annual Conference
Johannesburg - South Africa
~ Nuclear Technology: Supporting Sustainable Socio-Economic Development ~
6 - 11 October 2013

The 21th WiN Global Annual Conference organised by WiN South Africa was held from 6 to 11 October 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Johannesburg.
About the Conference
The commemoration ceremony of WiN Global’s 20th anniversary and the publication of the book “Twenty Years of WiN” was held during the conference. We also celebrated the 10th anniversary of WiN South Africa. The conference comprised the WiN General Assembly, Country Report Presentations, Plenary session for invited speakers, two Communication Workshops and Poster Session for the following technical tracks.
Technical tours
Necsa, Vaalputs Radioactive Waste Disposai Facility (Northern Cape), Koeberg Nuclear Power Station/iThemba Labs (Cape Town).