23th WiN Global Annual Conference
Vienna - Austria
~ WiN Global Meets Atoms for Peace ~
24 - 28 August 2015

For the first time, WiN IAEA had the honour of organizing and hosting the 23th WiN Global Annual Conference in Vienna, in cooperation with the IAEA.
About the Conference
The 23rd Women in Nuclear (WiN) Global Annual Conference — under the motto Women in Nuclear Meet Atoms for Peace — was a resounding success. The many stimulating presentations and discussions, the varied technical tours and the vibrant social events were infused with a spirit of camaraderie and the energy of women who are making a positive contribution to improving life in today’s chaotic world.
The conference was organized in cooperation with the IAEA, which funded the participation of almost 50 women, mostly from developing countries. With over 470 participants from 62 countries registered for the event, we had the best attended WiN Global conference ever.
On 25 August — the opening day — before a word was spoken, the tone was set by the delightful strains of the Blue Danube Waltz accompanying WiN IAEA’s President Eva Gyane’s introductory slide. The conference was opened by Se-Moon Park, WiN Global President; Janice Dunn-Lee, IAEA Deputy Director General of Management; and Eva Gyane. During the WiN Global General Assembly, held that day, Se- Moon Park and Dominique Mouillot, outgoing WiN Europe President, presented the WiN Declaration for the Earth Climate — which highlighted the crucial role of nuclear energy in preserving the earth for future generations — for signature.
The conference programme, with its leitmotifs of women, nuclear, and peace, comprised plenary sessions — in the form of presentations, panels and discussions — covered the work of the IAEA; career development for women in the nuclear field, including communication; use of radiation in medicine; relevance of nuclear for energy, environment and climate change; nuclear safety, safeguards, security and non-proliferation.