25th WiN Global Annual Conference
Beijing - China
~ Women, Nuclear, Cooperation and Harmony ~
28 August - 1 September 2017

The 25th WiN Global Annual Conference was held at the Chinese National Convention Centre in Beijing from 28 August 1 September 2017. The conference was preceded by WiN Global Executive and Board meetings and excursions to the Great Wall.
About the conference
Almost 30 WiN chapter presidents or their representatives reported on nuclear developments and WiN-related activities in their respective countries. The annual conference provided a wonderful opportunity for mostly female nuclear professionals to meet and network, to discuss technical topics of common interest and to learn about latest nuclear developments in many countries of the world. At the same time, also highlighted the need for its members to continue communicating the benefits of nuclear energy to the wider public in order to oppose increasing efforts by the anti-nuclear community to eliminate this source of clean energy from countries’ energy portfolios. Owing to the efforts by WiN China and its supporters, WiN Global 2017 was a great success and it has left all participants with lasting memories of China, its culture and the many advancements in its nuclear technology.
More than 90 posters were exhibited on both days of the conference and poster awards were finally given to the best ten posters and WiN China passed the WiN Global flag to WiN Argentina, host of the next conference.
Technical and cultural tours
In this ocassion, conference participants were offered an optional technical tour to the Centre of Excellence on Nuclear Security and a cultural tour to the Imperial Palace, included an excursion to the Great Wall.