24th WiN Global Annual Conference
Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Powering Generation
20 - 23 November 2016

The 24th WiN Global Annual Conference was a resounding success with the many stimulating panel discussions and poster presentations. The conference was organized by WiN UAE and sponsored by Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation and Nawah Energy Company.
About the conference
The conference programme covered 6 different sessions; Regulator’s Current and Future Issues; Do you have to be from a “STEM” background to become successful in the nuclear Industry; Nuclear Professional Attributes in the Nuclear Industry; Gender Equality in the Nuclear Industry; Succeeding in a Multi-cultural Environment within the Nuclear Industry; Radiation Application Status and Involvement of Women Professionals.
The IAEA funded the participation of almost 20 women, mostly from developing countries. With over 700 participants from 56 countries registered for the event. The first event in Arab Region had the best attended WiN Global conference ever.
6 different sessions where coverd: Regulator’s Current and Future Issues; Do you have to be from a “STEM” background to become successful in the nuclear Industry; Nuclear Professional Attributes in the Nuclear Industry; Gender Equality in the Nuclear Industry; Succeeding in a Multi-cultural Environment within the Nuclear Industry; Radiation Application Status and Involvement of Women Professionals.
Technical Tour
The technical tour included a visit to the construction site of Barakah nuclear power plant and the vibrant social events were arranged.