26th WiN Global Annual Conference
Bariloche - Argentina
~ Challenge the present, empower the future ~
11 - 17 March 2018

The IYNCWIN18 Joint Conference was organized by WiN Global and IYNC, together with the local Chapters, WiN Argentina and AYNG, respectively. 400 participants from 39 countries gathered in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche.
About the Conference
The conference provided a unique forum for young professionals and women in the nuclear field to discuss and collaborate on knowledge transfer, nuclear science and technology research and implementation, professional development, and communication. In particular, the conference brings together young professionals that are looking to further their careers and senior leaders that are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with younger generations. Also, this was the first time that such an event took place in Latin America!
In 2016 WiN Global and IYNC signed a Memorandum of Understanding to foster their collaboration and joint activities on knowledge transfer, education and communication on peaceful use of nuclear science and technologies. As both organizations selected Argentina to host their 2018 conferences.
In addition, the World Nuclear University is holding an Extended Leadership Development Workshop for WNU Summer Institute alumni, from 14 – 15 March 2018. The WNU Summer Institute is a six week nuclear leadership development programme held annually and this workshop is open to all previous Fellows and Mentors from 2005 to 2017.
Technical Tours
IYNCWiN18 provided the opportunity to join technical tours of Argentina and Brazil’s top nuclear facilities.
- Bariloche Atomic Center (National Commission of Nuclear Energy and Balseiro Institute, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina)
- Atucha I-II NPP site (Nucleoeléctrica S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- INVAP S.E. (San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina)
- Angra I-II NPP Site (Electronuclear, Angra dos Reis, Brazil)