27th WiN Global Annual Conference
Madrid - Spain
~ WiN Power to Face Future Challenges ~
17 - 20 June 2019

"WiN Power to Face Future Challenges” was the theme of the 27th Annual WiN Global conference hosted by WiN Spain, from the 17 to 21 June.
Visit the official websiteTechnical Tours
- CIEMAT. It is a public research center assigned to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the Secretariat of State for Universities, Research, Development and Innovation.
- CNIC (Spanish National center for Cardiovascular research Carlos III).
- ALMARAZ Nuclear Power Plant. It is located in Caceres, about 200 km from Madrid point West. Almaraz has two pressurized light water reactor units of 2,686 thermal MW each, with three cooling system loops per unit. We will also visit the Almaraz NPP’s ISFSI (Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation).
Cultural Tours
The participants enjoyed a visit to Prado Museum, private pass (ticket and guided tour inside the Prado Museum) and a touristic guided walking to “Madrid de los Austrias”.